Silenced API
Reference documentation
The /silenced
API endpoints
The Silence API provides endpoint HTTP POST and GET access to create, query and
clear (delete) a silence entry via the Sensu API.
Example: Querying for all silence entries
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:4567/silenced |jq .
"expire": 3530,
"expire_on_resolve": false,
"begin": null,
"creator": null,
"reason": null,
"check": "check_haproxy",
"subscription": "load-balancer",
"id": "load-balancer:check_haproxy"
"expire": -1,
"expire_on_resolve": true,
"begin": null,
"creator": "",
"reason": "we ran out of time",
"check": "check_ntpd",
"subscription": "all",
"id": "all:check_ntpd"
API specification
/silenced (GET) |
description |
Returns a list of silence entries. |
example url |
http://hostname:4567/silenced |
pagination |
see pagination |
response type |
Array |
response codes |
- Success: 200 (OK)
- Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)
output |
"expire": 3530,
"expire_on_resolve": false,
"begin": null,
"creator": null,
"reason": null,
"check": "check_haproxy",
"subscription": "load-balancer",
"id": "load-balancer:check_haproxy"
"expire": -1,
"expire_on_resolve": true,
"creator": "",
"reason": "we ran out of time",
"check": "check_ntpd",
"subscription": "all",
"id": "all:check_ntpd"
Example: Creating a silence entry
The following example demonstrates a /silenced
query, which creates a
silence entry for the check “check_haproxy” on clients with the
“load-balancer” subscription, with an expiration of 3600 seconds:
$ curl -s -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"subscription": "load-balancer", "check": "check_haproxy", "expire": 3600 }' \
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: close
Content-length: 0
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:4567/silenced | jq .
"expire": 3594,
"expire_on_resolve": false,
"begin": null,
"creator": null,
"reason": null,
"check": "check_haproxy",
"subscription": "load-balancer",
"id": "load-balancer:check_haproxy"
API specification
/silenced (POST) |
description |
Create a silence entry. |
example URL |
http://hostname:4567/silenced |
payload |
"subscription": "load-balancer",
"expire": 3600,
"reason": "load-balancer maintenance window",
"creator": ""
payload parameters |
check - required: true, unless
subscription is specified - type: String
- regex: Validated with Ruby regex
/\A[\w\.-]+\z/ - description: Specifies the check which the silence entry applies to.
- example: “check_haproxy”
begin - required: false
- type: Integer
- description: If specified, the silence entry will only be effective after this epoch timestamp. Silence a check and/or client subscriptions at a predetermined time (e.g. maintenance window).
- example: 1512501881
creator - required: false
- type: String
- description: Specifies the entity responsible for this entry.
- example: “” or “Your Name Here”
expire - required: false
- type: Integer
- description: If specified, the silence entry will be automatically cleared after this number of seconds. If
begin is specified, the number of seconds until being cleared starts at that time. - example: 1800
expire_on_resolve - required: false
- type: Boolean
- description: If specified as true, the silence entry will be automatically cleared once the condition it is silencing is resolved.
- example: true
reason - required: false
- type: String
- description: If specified, this free-form string is used to provide context or rationale for the reason this silence entry was created.
- example: “pre-arranged maintenance window”
subscription - required: true, unless
check is specified - type: String
- regex: Validated with Ruby regex
/\A[\w\.\-\:]+\z/ - description: Specifies the subscription which the silence entry applies to.
response codes |
- Success: 201 (Created)
- Malformed: 400 (Bad Request)
- Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)
Example: Querying for a specific silence entry
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:4567/silenced/ids/load-balancer:check_haproxy |jq .
"id": "load-balancer:check_haproxy",
"subscription": "load-balancer",
"check": "check_haproxy",
"begin": null,
"reason": null,
"creator": null,
"expire_on_resolve": false,
"expire": 3529
API specification
/silenced/ids/:id (GET) |
description |
Returns a specific silenced override by it’s ID. |
example url |
http://hostname:4567/silenced/webserver:check_nginx |
pagination |
see pagination |
response type |
Hash |
response codes |
- Success: 200 (OK)
- Missing: 404 (Not Found)
- Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)
output |
"id": "webserver:check_nginx",
"subscription": "webserver",
"check": "check_nginx",
"begin": null,
"reason": null,
"creator": null,
"expire_on_resolve": false,
"expire": -1
Example: Clearing a silence entry
You can use the /silenced/clear POST
endpoint to delete a single silence entry by its ID.
The following example deletes a silence entry with the ID load-balancer:check_haproxy
, resulting in a 204 (No Content) HTTP response code:
$ curl -s -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "id": "load-balancer:check_haproxy" }' \
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: close
Content-length: 0
A silence entry can also be cleared by specifying the intersection of
subscription and check to which the entry applies.
The following example deletes the silence entry applied to the check_ntpd
check for all
$ curl -s -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "subscription": "all", "check": "check_ntpd" }' \
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: close
Content-length: 0
API specification
/silenced/clear (POST) |
description |
Clear a single silence entry specified by its ID or by the applicable check and subscription. |
example URL |
http://hostname:4567/silenced/clear |
payload |
"id": "load-balancer:ha_proxy"
payload parameters |
check - required: true, unless
id is specified - type: String
- description: Specifies the name of the check for which the silence entry should be cleared.
- example: “check_haproxy”
subscription :- required: true, unless
id is specified - type: String
- description: Specifies the name of the subscription for which the silence entry should be cleared.
id :- required: true, unless
check and subscription are specified - type: String
- description: Specifies the id (intersection of subscription and check) of the silence entry to clear.
response codes |
- Success: 204 (No Content)
- Malformed: 400 (Bad Request)
- Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)
Example: Querying for silence entries via subscription name
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:4567/silenced/subscriptions/load-balancer | jq .
"expire": 3596,
"expire_on_resolve": false,
"begin": null,
"creator": null,
"reason": null,
"check": "check_ntpd",
"subscription": "load-balancer",
"id": "load-balancer:check_ntpd"
API specification
/silenced/subscriptions/:subscription (GET) |
description |
Returns a list of silence entries matching the specified subscription name. |
example url |
http://hostname:4567/silenced/subscriptions/load-balancer |
pagination |
see pagination |
response type |
Array |
response codes |
- Success: 200 (OK)
- Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)
Example: Querying for silence entries via check name
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:4567/silenced/checks/check_ntpd | jq .
"expire": -1,
"expire_on_resolve": false,
"begin": null,
"creator": "",
"reason": "we ran out of time",
"check": "check_ntpd",
"subscription": "webserver",
"id": "webserver:check_ntpd"
"expire": -1,
"expire_on_resolve": false,
"begin": null,
"creator": "",
"reason": "we ran out of time",
"check": "check_ntpd",
"subscription": "load-balancer",
"id": "load-balancer:check_ntpd"
API specification
/silenced/checks/:check (GET) |
desc |
Returns a list of silence entries matching the specified check name. |
example url |
http://hostname:4567/silenced/checks/check_ntpd |
pagination |
see pagination |
response type |
Array |
response codes |
- Success: 200 (OK)
- Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)